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- MATV Systems


- SMATV Systems


- Headend HDTV


- DirecTV Residential Experience (DRE)


- Com 1000/2000

Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc.


Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc. installs and services commercial TV master antenna systems, master satellite systems, Comm1000, and DirecTV Residential Experience (DRE) systems. We bring both digital and High Definition television to commercial establishments ranging from your local tavern or pub to high rise 600 room hotels and virtually everything in between. Below are some of the brands in the lodging industry we have serviced you may recognize.

Your business is our business. Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc. understands that if you own a hotel, motel or bar, your TV system is an integral part of your business. The programming you offer your guests needs to be functioning at its peak to keep your customers coming back.

If your establishment needs to upgrade its TV viewing capabilities or simply maintain it, we have professional qualified technicians that can provide you with timely service to keep you or get you up and running. Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc. has been providing commercial establishments outstanding service for over 50 years!

Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc. is one in a handful of companies in Ohio that is DirecTV DRE certified to install and repair DirecTV Residential Experience (DRE) systems. In the lodging industry, DRE allows an HD receiver to be placed in every room to bring HD programming to each guest. It works just like it does at home including the same channel numbers. When guests feel at home they are more likely to return which increases your bottom line.

Contact us for a quote below!


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Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc

© 2014 Cleveland Antenna Service, Inc.

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